In Turkey, Patient’s Rights are protected by the directive of Patient Rights that is published by the Treatment Services Directive of Ministry of Health. The directive is prepared to standardize and to spread the rights all over the country. The below principles must be complied by the health facilities according to the prementioned law:

The most basic human right which is the right to live in the best condition possible from physical, psychological and social aspects is continually taken into consideration at every phase of care.

Everyone has the rights to have medical care without discrimination. In providing health care services, no distinction is made because of the patient’s race, language, religion and creed, sex, political opinion, philosophic beliefs and economic and social situation. Health services are organized so that everyone has easy access.

Patients are completely informed about the medical realities of their condition, potential risks and benefits of each recommended treatment, alternatives to the recommended treatment, diagnosis and prognosis.

The patient may examine papers and records that contain information about his/her health condition directly or by means of a proxy or legal representative and may make a copy. These records can only be seen by those who are directly related to the patient’s care.

The respect for privacy and private life is highly considered for the patient and family. Other than medical necessity and situations allowed by law, a patient’s private life and family life must be kept confidential.  

Patients and those with patients have the right to recourse, complaint, and lawsuits within the framework of the regulation in the event of an abuse of patient rights.

Other than situations of medical necessity and situations specified in the laws, an individual who is not willing has the right of not being touched anywhere on the body.

A patient cannot be used as a research subject without voluntary permission from the individual and the Ministry of Health.